I have this exercise in which we try various combinations of rvalue and lvalue references using a template class, I am getting two assertion errors; if someone could guide.
#include <assert.h>
typedef int& IntLRef;
typedef IntLRef& IntLLRef;
typedef IntLRef&& IntLRRef;
typedef int&& IntRRef;
typedef IntRRef& IntRLRef;
typedef IntRRef&& IntRRRef;
template<typename T, typename U>
struct IsSameType
static const bool value = false;
template<typename T>
struct IsSameType <T, T>
static const bool value = true;
static_assert(IsSameType<IntLRef, IntLLRef>::value, "LRef DIF LLRef"); static_assert(IsSameType<IntLRef, IntLRRef>::value, "LRef DIF LRRef"); static_assert(IsSameType<IntLLRef, IntLRRef>::value, "LLRef DIF LRRef");
static_assert(IsSameType<IntRRef, IntRLRef>::value, "RRef DIF RLRef"); static_assert(IsSameType<IntRRef, IntRRRef>::value, "RRef DIF RRRef"); static_assert(IsSameType<IntRLRef, IntRRRef>::value, "RLRef DIF RRRef");
int main();
I am getting assertion error :
rvalue_ex3.cpp:34:48: error: static assertion failed: RRef DIF RLRef
34 | static_assert(IsSameType<IntRRef, IntRLRef>::value, "RRef DIF RLRef");
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~
rvalue_ex3.cpp:36:49: error: static assertion failed: RLRef DIF RRRef
36 | static_assert(IsSameType<IntRLRef, IntRRRef>::value, "RLRef DIF RRRef");
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~
I need to make modfications to assert it as true and understand why it is failing
This is called reference collapsing:
It is permitted to form references to references through type manipulations in templates or typedefs, in which case the reference collapsing rules apply: rvalue reference to rvalue reference collapses to rvalue reference, all other combinations form lvalue reference
(emphasis added)
Which means that IntRRef
which is int&&
is not the same as IntRLRef
because the latter is defined as IntRRef&
which is an lvalue reference to an rvalue reference and thus collapses to an lvalue reference: int&