Suppose that we have a formula
f1 <- y ~ x1
and that we need to add to it the covariate sin(2*pi*x2)
using a function that will take as argument x2
Of course, this works: update(f1, . ~ . + sin(2 * pi * x2)
but I need a function likes this one
updf <- function(formula, x){
formula <- update(formula, paste("~ . +", sin(2 * pi * x)))
and the call updf(f1,"x2")
will return: y ~ x1 + sin(2 * pi * x2)
. This call returns "Error in 2 * pi * x : non-numeric argument to binary operator".
How can this problem be fixed?
If x
is a string with the name of the variable then formula <- update(formula, paste("~ . + sin(2 * pi * ", x, ")"))
should work.
f1 <- y ~ x1
updf <- function(formula, x){
formula <- update(formula, paste("~ . + sin(2 * pi * ", x, ")"))
updf(f1, "x2")
#> y ~ x1 + sin(2 * pi * x2)
This answer comes from @Oliver's comment and was posted more than a month after. I don't want to steal credit, I just want this question to stop appearing as "unanswered" while it is actually answered.