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Azure Pipeline Consuming Azure Artifact Nuget - NU1301: Unable to load the service index for source (Q&A)

I am trying to have my Azure Pipeline get Nuget Packages from my Azure Artifacts feed, but they don't want to talk to each other.

I have followed this document and '[Project name] Build Service ([Organization name])' already seems to have rights, but I'm getting the following error.

##[error]The nuget command failed with exit code(1) and error(NU1301: Unable to load the service index for source

My build is unchanged from before.

What should I do? (Q&A Below)


  • After a lot of trial and error, this seemed to be the fix:

    1. Go to Artifacts > your artifact feed > 'Connect to feed' > Nuget.exe and copy the nuget config. Create a file called nuget.config at the same level as the sln (could be csproj level) and paste in the contents.

    2. In Artifacts (Artifacts > Settings Cog > Permissions) You need {project name} Build Service ({organization name}) AND Project Collection Build Service ({organization name}) to have at least 'Collaborator' (you can have contributor) rights as documented here.

    3. In the build, two additional steps were required (might need to overwrite the existing nuget installer). I found this that referenced the Nuget Authenticate, and I also needed to install the Azure Artifacts Provider. Start of the build shown below (was previously just the NugetToolInstaller step).

    - task: NuGetToolInstaller@1
    # Required for custom access to Artifacts
    - task: PowerShell@2
      displayName: "Install Artifacts Provider"
        targetType: 'inline'
        script: |
          Write-Host "Install Artifacts Provider"
          Invoke-Expression "& { $(irm } -AddNetfx"
    # Check we can authenticate
    - task: NuGetAuthenticate@1
      displayName: "Nuget Authentication"