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How do I use an imagestream from another namespace in openshift?

I have been breaking my head over the following:

I have a set of buildconfigs that build images and create imagestreams for it in the "openshift" namespace. This gives me for example the netclient-userspace imagestream.

krist@MacBook-Pro netmaker % oc get is netclient-userspace
NAME                  IMAGE REPOSITORY                                                                 TAGS     UPDATED
netclient-userspace   image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/netclient-userspace   latest   About an hour ago

What I have however not been able to figure out is how to use this imagestream in a deployment in a different namespace.

Take for example this:

kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: netclient-test
  namespace: "kvb-netclient-test"
    - name: netclient
      image: netclient-userspace:latest

When I deploy this I get errors...

Failed to pull image "netclient-userspace:latest": rpc error: code =
Unknown desc = reading manifest latest in errors: denied: requested
access to the resource is denied unauthorized: authentication required

So openshift goest and looks for the image on dockerhub. It shouldn't. How do I tell openshift to use the imagestream here?


  • When using an ImageStreamTag for a Deployment image source, you need to use the annotation. It instructs OpenShift to replace the image: attribute in a Deployment with the value of an ImageStreamTag (and to redeploy it when the ImageStreamTag changes in the future).

    Importantly, note the annotation and the image: ' ' with the explicit space character in the yaml string.

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      annotations: '[{"from":{"kind":"ImageStreamTag","name":"content-netclient-userspace:latest","namespace":"openshift"},"fieldPath":"spec.template.spec.containers[?(\"netclient\")].image"}]'
      name: netclient-test
      namespace: "kvb-netclient-test"
          - command:
            - ...
            image: ' '
            name: netclient

    I will also mention that, in order to pull images from different namespaces, it may be required to authorize the Deployment's service account to do so: OpenShift Docs.