I am pretty new to Flutter and Gherkin and I am trying to follow this tutorial to implement testing with Gherkin in Flutter for a simple counter test.
The problem is when I try to run the test on my macOS terminal using:
dart test_driver/app_test.dart --feature="counter_button.feature"
I keep getting the error:
Error: The argument type 'FlutterDriver?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'FlutterDriver' because 'FlutterDriver?' is nullable and 'FlutterDriver' isn't.
- 'FlutterDriver' is from 'package:flutter_driver/src/driver/driver.dart' ('../../Downloads/flutter/packages/flutter_driver/lib/src/driver/driver.dart').
var counterVal = await FlutterDriverUtils.getText(world.driver, locator);
This is my counter_button.feature file:
Feature: Counter Button
As a user
I want to tap the plus button
So that I can see the counter increment
Scenario: User taps on counter button
Given the user is at the counter dashboard
And the counter value is at 0
When the user taps on the plus button
Then the counter value is at 1
And this is my counter_button_steps.dart code:
import 'package:flutter_driver/flutter_driver.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gherkin/flutter_gherkin.dart';
import 'package:gherkin/gherkin.dart';
class UserIsInDashboardStep extends GivenWithWorld<FlutterWorld> {
Future<void> executeStep() async {
final locator = find.text('You have pushed the button this many times:');
var locatorExists = await FlutterDriverUtils.isPresent(world.driver, locator);
expectMatch(true, locatorExists);
RegExp get pattern => RegExp(r"the user is at the counter dashboard");
class CounterValueStep extends And1WithWorld<int, FlutterWorld> {
Future<void> executeStep(int expectedVal) async {
final locator = find.byValueKey('counter-val-key');
var counterVal = await FlutterDriverUtils.getText(world.driver, locator);
expectMatch(expectedVal, int.parse(counterVal));
RegExp get pattern => RegExp(r"the counter value is at {int}");
class UserTapsIncrementButton extends WhenWithWorld<FlutterWorld> {
Future<void> executeStep() async {
final locator = find.byTooltip('Increment');
await FlutterDriverUtils.tap(world.driver, locator);
RegExp get pattern => RegExp(r"the user taps on the plus button");
And I have this key for widget in my main.dart file:
children: <Widget>[
const Text(
'You have pushed the button this many times:',
key: Key('counter-val-key'),
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.displaySmall,
I have the flutter_gherkin: ^2.0.0 dependency. Finally this is my app_test.dart code:
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter_gherkin/flutter_gherkin.dart';
import 'package:gherkin/gherkin.dart';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
import 'steps/counter_button_steps.dart';
Future<void> main() {
final config = FlutterTestConfiguration()
..features = [Glob(r"test_driver/features/**.feature")]
..reporters = [
JsonReporter(path: './report.json')
..hooks = []
..stepDefinitions = [
..customStepParameterDefinitions = [
..restartAppBetweenScenarios = true
..targetAppPath = "test_driver/app.dart"
..targetDeviceId = 'macos'
..keepAppRunningAfterTests = false;
return GherkinRunner().execute(config);
The problem only seems to occur with the getText method. I did not face with any issues with isPresent(world.driver, locator) or tap(world.driver, locator).
Try changing
Just add !
at the end of it.