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Why am I suddenly not having push permission?

I use

git remote set-url origin https://[email protected]/QuaCau-TheSphere/LandofSpheres.git

But why can't I push?

git push
remote: Permission to QuaCau-TheSphere/LandofSpheres.git denied to ooker777.
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403

I am the creator of the organization and the admin of the repo so I must have permission. I pushed successfully before, so it shouldn't be SSH stuff. I don't understand why it happens today.


  • To avoid opening GitHub Desktop and signing in again, check your credential helper

    git config --global credential.helper

    Then, assuming for instance, manager-core, check what is registered for your user:

    printf "\nprotocol=https\nusername=ooker777" | git credential-manager-core get

    If you don't see anything, register your PAT (Personal Access Token) (assuming one which does not expire)

    printf "\nprotocol=https\nusername=ooker777\npassword=ghp_yourToken" | git credential-manager-core store

    That way, you won't have to sign in again.