Simple use case:
to folder #33
)I found a bounch of related questions, but nothing that quite does what I want, e.g.
How do I convert multiple PDFs into images from the same folder in Python?
A python script would work fine, but also any other way to do this in Win10 (imagemagick, e.g.) is cool with me.
Your comment requests how a batch can do as required, for simplicity the following only processes a single file so Python will need to loop through a folder and call with each name in turn. That could be done by adding a "for loop" in batch but first see where problems arise, as many of my single test files threw differing errors.
I have tried to cover several fails in this batch file, in my system, but there can still be issues such as a file that has no valid fonts to display
For most recent poppler windows 64bit utils see for 32 bit use xpdf latest version but that has direct pdftopng.exe so needs a few edits.
@echo off
set "bin=C:\Apps\PDF\poppler\22.11.0\Library\bin"
set "res=200"
REM for type use one of 3 i.e. png jpeg jpegcmyk (PNG is best for documents)
set "type=png"
if exist "%~dpn1\*.%type%" echo: &echo Files already exist in "%~dpn1" skipping overwrite&goto pause
if not exist "%~dpn1.pdf" echo: &echo "%~dpn0" File "%~dpn1.pdf" not found&goto pause
if not exist "%~dpn1\*.*" md "%~dpn1"
REM following line deliberately opens folder to show progress delete it or prefix with REM for blind running
explorer "%~dpn1"
"%bin%\pdftoppm.exe" -%type% -r %res% "%~dpn1.pdf" "%~dpn1\%~n1"
if %errorlevel%==1 echo: &echo Build of %type% files failed&goto pause
if not exist "%~dpn1\*.%type%" echo: &echo Build of %type% files failed&goto pause