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How to Stop the flutter rebuilds from ValueListenableBuilder?

I'm having an issue of the widget subtree constantly rebuilding from inside the ValueListenableBuilder. It is supposed to run a rebuild on change, and in this case it is listening to a table on a Flutter Hive Database.
Things I've tired:

  1. I had all of my Hive Boxes open in the main method, so that I have access to each box from anywhere in the app. I tired only opening the Hive box when something is changed, then promptly closing this box. Didn't work

Things I think it could be, but not sure:

  1. Mixing ChangeNotifierProvider with the ValueListenableBuilder - Because some of the subtree also utilizes changenotifier, but with ValueListenableBuilder constantly rebuilding the subtree, any changes I pass into the provider get wiped out.

Is there anyway of only rebuilding on a change only?

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ValueListenableBuilder(
        child: assignmentWidgets,
        builder: (context, Box<Manifest> manifestBox, child) {
          if (manifestBox.isNotEmpty)
            return child!;


  • the Hive provides listening to a whole Box, so every time something happens inside that Box, the builder will be called :

      builder: (context, box, widget) {
        // build widget

    but you can also specify a List<String> of keys that you want only them to be listenable by the ValueListenableBuilder with the keys property like this:

      valueListenable:'settings').listenable(keys: ['firstKey', 'secondKey']),
      builder: (context, box, widget) {
        // build widget

    now for keys other than firstKey and secondKey, every operation that's executed over them will not update the ValueListenableWidget, but operation on firstKey and secondKey will update it only.