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I have to pass a name from an input form in my ejs file and handle it in my post request

I have an ejs file where i want the user to enter into the form an username which i will then use in my .get request to do some logic, but my usename isnt correctly being got its showing as undefined.


<form action="/entry" method="GET">
  <label>Enter Name <input  type="text" name="name"></label>
  <input class="submitbtn" type="submit" value="index" class="btn btn-lg btn-danger">

enrty.js where i have my get request:

router.get("/entry" , async(req, res) => {
  const allEntries = await  dailyUsage.find();

  const {name} = req.body;

  // ...

I want ̀name` to contain the username entered from the form, but without using bodyparser or middleware. thank you


  • Since your form is using GET method, you won't find name in req.body, but in req.query:

    const {name} = req.query;