Can use a pointer to access content of the memory location on embedded c.
int *p;
p = (int*) 0x30610000;
I need to write a program that add two numbers stored in memory location.
int *p;
int *q;
p = (int*) 0x30610000;
q = (int*) 0x30610004;
int sum=(*p)+(*q)
Is the above code correct?
I need understand how access a content of memory location on embedded c.
You ask if it is "correct", then in comments ask whether it is "good practice". They are two separate questions. It is syntactically and semantically correct (apart from the missing semi-colon). Whether it is good practice is context dependent and to some extent a matter of opinion. You have provided little context to come to a view but consider:
, volatile int* const p = (volatile int* const)0x30610000u ;
It may be syntactically clearer to use a macro represent the value at the address such as:
#define p (*(volatile int*)0x30610000u)
#define q (*(volatile int*)0x30610000u)
int sum = p + q ;
But that may be regarded as an obfuscation. You would normally clarify such code by naming convention - macros at conventionally capitalised, and P
and Q
really don't cut it w.r.t. clarity or meaningfulness. The names should reflect the purpose or nature of the data stored
Where the values are hardware registers, the data type might explicitly match the register width, using stdint.h types.