I have a nested Python dictionary that I want to convert into a relational model. I am struggling to parse the dictionary into two related tables: a "workspace" table and a "datasets" table - joined by the key workspace_id
simplified_dict ={
"workspace_name":"Workspace 1",
"dataset_name":"Dataset 1 in workspace 1"
"dataset_name":"Dataset 2 in workspace 1"
"workspace_name":"Workspace 2",
"dataset_name":"Dataset 3 in Workspace 2"
"dataset_name":"Dataset 4 in workspace 2"
I can create a table containing workspace information using the pandas json_normalize function.
import pandas as pd
df_workspaces = pd.json_normalize(simplified_dict, record_path=['workspaces'])
However, when I try and create the second table "datasets" using the same function, I get a dataframe, but it doesn't have a workspace key, that allows me to join the two tables.
df_datasets_in_workspaces = pd.json_normalize(simplified_dict, record_path=['workspaces','datasets'])
Is there a way to add the workspace key to the this datasets table, to enable the join, while still using the json_normalize function?
If possible I would prefer a solution using json_normalize, rather than using a loop or comprehension, as the json_normalize allows me to easily convert any layer of my real data (with 5 levels of nesting) into a dataframe. With my real datset, I will be looking to generate circa 15 tables, so a low code, very intuitive approach is prefered.
Copy of a google colab notebook with the code is accessible here
Any help would be appreciated.
workspace_df = pd.json_normalize(data=simplified_dict, record_path=["workspaces"]).drop(columns="datasets")
datasets_df = pd.json_normalize(data=simplified_dict["workspaces"], meta=["workspace_id"], record_path=["datasets"])
datasets_df = pd.json_normalize(
meta=[["workspaces", "workspace_id"]],
record_path=["workspaces", "datasets"]
datasets_df.columns = datasets_df.columns.str.split(".").str[-1]
workspace_id workspace_name
0 d507422c Workspace 1
1 etyyy422c-8d6d Workspace 2
dataset_id dataset_name workspace_id
0 e7e8a355 Dataset 1 in workspace 1 d507422c
1 bbe8a355 Dataset 2 in workspace 1 d507422c
2 89jke8a355 Dataset 3 in Workspace 2 etyyy422c-8d6d
3 tyii8a355 Dataset 4 in workspace 2 etyyy422c-8d6d