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is there a way in gnuplot to give a gif a more specific time title other than time.1, time.2 , time.3?

From an answer given here Gnuplot 3d time animation from data file I changed it a bit adding a filedata 2, now the problem is i have a filedata with

column1  column2      column3      column4
time       x            y            z
0          54           89            787
0.15       90           676           345
0.70       4593         34            387
3.78       59           37            904

and so on with other time positions data (actually in my .dat file I didn't write time x y z ,only the values). What I'd like to do is to take column 1 values and put its values in place of .j in 'time'.j. Is there a way to do it?

# define fixed axis-ranges
set xrange [-1:1]
set yrange [0:20]
set zrange [-1:1]

# filename and n=number of lines of your data 
filedata = 'data.dat'
n = system(sprintf('cat %s | wc -l', filedata))
do for [j=1:n] {
    set title 'time '.j
    splot filedata1 u 2:3:4 every ::1::j w l lw 2, \
          filedata1 u 2:3:4 every ::j::j w p pt 7 ps 2,\
          filedata2 u 2:3:4 every ::1::j w l lw 2, \
          filedata2 u 2:3:4 every ::j::j w p pt 7 ps 2

Actually as of now I don't know how to put it to work.


  • To summarize what I've understood from your question:

    • you have two files one with 4 columns (time,x,y,z) and the other with 3 columns (x,y,z)
    • I further assume that those files have the same number of rows and the rows of the second file correspond also to the time of the first file
    • you want to animate the trajectories from both files with a label containing the time from the column 1 of the first file


    • in order to find out the number of rows, you could use stats (check help stats). With this gnuplot-only and platform-independent, unlike your n = system(sprintf('cat %s | wc -l', filedata))
    • row index starts at 0, e.g. every ::0::j. But since you have a headerline this line will not be plotted because it is text data.
    • there is the plotting style with labels. With this you can plot the value from column 1 somewhere as label, here at x,y,z ... u (7):(10):(10) ....



    t       x     y     z
     0      1.0   2.0   3.0
     0.15   2.0   5.0   4.0
     0.70   5.0   3.0   5.0
     3.78   7.0   7.0   6.0
     5.13   5.0   4.0   7.0
     7.45   3.0   4.0   8.0
    10.99   1.0   1.0   9.0


    x     y     z
    4.0   4.0   9.0
    7.0   5.0   8.0
    6.0   6.0   7.0
    3.0   3.0   6.0
    2.0   2.0   5.0
    5.0   1.0   4.0
    9.0   3.0   3.0


    ### plot two animated trajectories, 2nd file without time
    reset session
    FILE1 = "SO74583831_1.dat"
    FILE2 = "SO74583831_2.dat"
    stats FILE1 u 0 nooutput
    N = STATS_records
    set xrange[0:10]
    set yrange[0:10]
    set zrange[0:10]
    set key noautotitle
    set xyplane at 0
    set terminal gif animate delay 60
    set output "SO74583831.gif"
    do for [j=0:N-1] {
        splot FILE1 u 2:3:4 every ::0::j w l lw 2 lc "red", \
                 '' u 2:3:4 every ::j::j w p pt 7 ps 2 lc "red" ti "Particle 1", \
                 '' u (7):(10):(10):(sprintf("Time: % 6.2f",$1)) every ::j::j with labels left, \
              FILE2 u 1:2:3 every ::0::j w l lw 2 lc "blue", \
                 '' u 1:2:3 every ::j::j w p pt 7 ps 2 lc "blue" ti "Particle 2", \
    set output
    ### end of script


    enter image description here