I am trying to combine two select statements because my original query was taking way to long with LEFT JOIN
Original Query:
DISTINCT a.RequestId,
a.*, str_to_date(RequestedTestDate, '%d-%b-%Y') AS
str_to_date(ActualTestDate, '%d-%b-%Y') AS cActualTestDate,
name as Engineer, Cancelled
cert_request_cute a
LEFT JOIN tech_schedule b on a.RequestId = b.cute_id
LEFT JOIN techs ts on b.tech_id = ts.id
LEFT JOIN sts c on (
c.id = a.stsCustomer OR c.code = a.stsCustomer
LEFT JOIN status_cute stat on (
stat.RequestId = a.RequestId
. $swhere . $orderByQuery . $limitQuery;
With the above query I was able to get all the rows but it took forever with over 10k rows
Modified Query:
DISTINCT a.RequestId,
a.*, str_to_date(RequestedTestDate, '%d-%b-%Y') AS cRequestedTestDate,
str_to_date(ActualTestDate, '%d-%b-%Y') AS cActualTestDate,
name as Engineer, Cancelled
cert_request_cute a
JOIN tech_schedule b on a.RequestId = b.cute_id
JOIN techs ts on b.tech_id = ts.id
JOIN sts c on (
c.id = a.stsCustomer OR c.code = a.stsCustomer
JOIN status_cute stat on (
stat.RequestId = a.RequestId
. $swhere . $orderByQuery . $limitQuery;
With this query im able to get results faster but its missing rows that are ether empty or null I guess, How can I include the missing rows with a second query. I've read most of the other questions on here on the topic but I ended up being more confused.
Wanted something like the following Query:
DISTINCT a.RequestId,
str_to_date(RequestedTestDate, '%d-%b-%Y') AS cRequestedTestDate,
str_to_date(ActualTestDate, '%d-%b-%Y') AS cActualTestDate,
name as Engineer,
cert_request_cute a
JOIN tech_schedule b on a.RequestId = b.cute_id
WHERE b.cute_id, ts.id, a.stsCustomer, a.RequestId NOT IN (
DISTINCT a.RequestId,
a.*, str_to_date(RequestedTestDate, '%d-%b-%Y') AS
str_to_date(ActualTestDate, '%d-%b-%Y') AS cActualTestDate,
name as Engineer, Cancelled
cert_request_cute a
JOIN tech_schedule.b.cute_id b on a.RequestId.b.cute_id =
JOIN techs.ts.id ts on b.tech_id.ts.id = ts.id
JOIN sts c on (
c.id = a.stsCustomer.astsCustomer OR c.code.c.code =
JOIN status_cute stat on (
stat.RequestId.a.RequestId = a.RequestId
. $swhere . $orderByQuery . $limitQuery;
I know the above query is absolutely wrong but I just dont know or understand how to put it together. I just want to create a second NOT IN and join the two tables to get the missing rows. Also is there a way to optimize the query period of better speed and results?
cert_request_cute Table:
CREATE TABLE `cert_request_cute` (
`RequestId` int(10) NOT NULL,
`stsCustomer` char(8) DEFAULT NULL,
`stsCustomerOtherCode` char(3) DEFAULT NULL,
`stsCustomerOtherDescription` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`FirstName` mediumtext NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`LastName` mediumtext NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`Email` mediumtext NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`Phone` mediumtext NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`stsHandle` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`CertificationRequest` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`CertificationRequestDetails` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`RequestDescription` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`RequestedTestDate` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`RequestedBetaDate` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`RequestedGlobalReleaseDate` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`BetaSiteXP` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`BetaSite7` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`BetaSiteXP-2` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`BetaSite7-2` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`FirstBetaSiteChoice` char(7) DEFAULT NULL,
`SecondBetaSiteChoice` char(7) DEFAULT NULL,
`ThirdBetaSiteChoice` char(7) DEFAULT NULL,
`ApplicationName` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`ApplicationVersion` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`SCutePlatform` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`ApplicationLocalServer` char(25) DEFAULT NULL,
`ApplicationLocalServerOther` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`OSAPI` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`OSAPIOther` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`NewOSAPI` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`WANProtocol` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`WANProtocolOther` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`NewWANProtocol` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`Gateway` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`GatewayOther` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`SCuteLAN` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`LANProtocol` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`CommunicationCard` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`GatewayOS` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`RoutingProtocol` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`RegisteredAddressing` char(5) DEFAULT NULL,
`AdditionalInformation` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`MainFirstName` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`MainLastName` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`NetworkConfiguratorFirstName` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`NetworkConfiguratorLastName` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`NetworkConfiguratorEmail` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`NetworkConfiguratorPhone` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`OperationsManagerFirstName` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`OperationsManagerLastName` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`OperationsManagerEmail` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`OperationsManagerPhone` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`TechSupportFirstName` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`TechSupportlastName` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`TechSupportEmail` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`TechSupportPhone` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`stsManagerFirstName` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`stsManagerLastName` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`stsManagerEmail` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`stsManagerPhone` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`SAccountManagerFirstName` mediumtext NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`SAccountManagerLastName` mediumtext NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`SAccountManagerEmail` mediumtext NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`SAccountManagerPhone` mediumtext NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`PrimaryContactFirstName` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`PrimaryContactLastName` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`PrimaryContactEmail` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`PrimaryContactPhone` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`CompanyAddress` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`CompanyWebsite` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`RequestedDate` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`ActualTestDate` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`TestDays` char(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`PPMNumber` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`Comments` mediumtext DEFAULT NULL,
`stsUsers` mediumtext NOT NULL COMMENT 'user id of sts',
`Cancelled` set('yes','no') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no',
`TestingType` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`has_url` set('Yes','No') NOT NULL,
`RequestType` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`OperatingSystem` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`complete` int(1) NOT NULL,
`Price` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`UpdatePrice` mediumtext NOT NULL DEFAULT '-',
`BillingCompanyName` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`BillingName` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`BillingEmail` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`BillingPhone` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`ProductOwner` mediumtext NOT NULL COMMENT 'XS only',
`CostCenter` mediumtext NOT NULL COMMENT 'XS only',
`BudgetCode` mediumtext NOT NULL COMMENT 'XS only',
`Reminded` set('yes','no') NOT NULL,
`has_ssl` set('Yes','No') DEFAULT NULL
Tech Schedule Table:
CREATE TABLE `tech_schedule` (
`tech_id` int(10) NOT NULL,
`b_date` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`cute_id` int(10) NOT NULL,
`cuss_id` int(10) NOT NULL,
`cuss_sbd_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`book` set('yes','no') NOT NULL,
`cupps_id` int(6) NOT NULL,
`hardware_id` int(6) NOT NULL,
`pos_id` int(3) NOT NULL,
`realtime_id` int(10) NOT NULL,
`sec_tech_id` int(10) NOT NULL
Techs Table:
CREATE TABLE `techs` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`Type` text DEFAULT NULL,
`name` text NOT NULL,
`email` text NOT NULL,
`Phone` text DEFAULT NULL,
`Title` text DEFAULT NULL,
`active` enum('yes','no') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'yes'
Refactored Query: Page Load 200ms
STR_TO_DATE(RequestedTestDate, '%d-%b-%Y') AS cRequestedTestDate,
STR_TO_DATE(ActualTestDate, '%d-%b-%Y') AS cActualTestDate,
ts.NAME AS Engineer
FROM cert_request_cute
LEFT JOIN tech_schedule b ON a.RequestId = b.cute_id
LEFT JOIN techs ts ON b.tech_id = ts.id
LEFT JOIN airlines c on c.code = a.AirlineCustomer
LEFT JOIN cert_status_cute stat on stat.RequestId = a.RequestId
GROUP BY a.RequestId
After making sure each called column had an index and refactoring my query a bit (code above) I reduced the Load Time from 9s to 300-400ms.