I am trying to do a pullFilter and can get it to work on complex types.
await _Collection.UpdateOneAsync(
Builders<Descriptor>.Filter.Eq(d => d.Id, id),
.Set(d => d.UpdatedBy, actioner)
.Set(d => d.UpdatedOn, DateTime.Now)
.PullFilter(d => d.Options, "Remove this one")
However, Options
is an array of string values and I cannot get it to remove the value "Remove this one":
"Name" : "Test",
"Type" : NumberInt(1),
"Options" : [
"Remove this one"
This is my error message:
"message": "JSON reader was expecting a value but found 'Remove'."
I also tried this:
await _Collection.UpdateOneAsync(
Builders<Descriptor>.Filter.Eq(d => d.Id, id),
.Set(d => d.UpdatedBy, actioner)
.Set(d => d.UpdatedOn, DateTime.Now)
.PullFilter(d => d.Options, d => d == "Remove this one")
which results in this error:
"message": "{document} is not supported."
You should use UpdateDefinitionExtensions.Pull<TDocument, TItem> Method (UpdateDefinition, FieldDefinition, TItem) instead of .PullFilter()
await _Collection.UpdateOneAsync(
Builders<Descriptor>.Filter.Eq(d => d.Id, id),
.Set(d => d.UpdatedBy, actioner)
.Set(d => d.UpdatedOn, DateTime.Now)
.Pull(d => d.Options, "Remove this one")