I'm making a game in rust and I want it to be legit. Bevy ECS is great. I have been following tutorials and reading documentation, but there is this one thing I want to know. Can I change the window icon? If so, how?
It is not easy to do. You may see discussion of the problem here, and pr here and here. I am sure it will be solved in a nice standard way soon, meanwhile there is hacky way to do it described here
use bevy::window::WindowId;
use bevy::winit::WinitWindows;
use winit::window::Icon;
fn set_window_icon(
// we have to use `NonSend` here
windows: NonSend<WinitWindows>,
) {
let primary = windows.get_window(WindowId::primary()).unwrap();
// here we use the `image` crate to load our icon data from a png file
// this is not a very bevy-native solution, but it will do
let (icon_rgba, icon_width, icon_height) = {
let image = image::open("my_icon.png")
.expect("Failed to open icon path")
let (width, height) = image.dimensions();
let rgba = image.into_raw();
(rgba, width, height)
let icon = Icon::from_rgba(icon_rgba, icon_width, icon_height).unwrap();
fn main() {