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SwiftUI - how to observe(.sink/ .onReceive) PassthroughSubject inside a View

If you encountered any of the next limitations while writing your app:

  1. The type of your ViewModel or Model is Struct not Class. This way you will not be able to use ObservableObject + ObservedObject.
  2. Also a second limitation is to avoid the use of Property Wrappers as: @Binding and @Published, in your Struct as they are harder to define as optional properties.
  3. You don't want bidirectional biding like the one resulting from using @State + @Binding. You want to be open - allow others to observ changes, but be closed - don't allow for other to make changes (Delegate pattern in UIKit, published pattern in RXSwift, @StateObject in SwiftUI but only for Class).

You could consider the next solution.


  • If you have a Struct as Model or ViewModel and you need to update your SwiftUI View here it is how to do just that with SwiftUI + Combine.

    import Combine
    struct ViewModel {
        var textChangedPublisher: AnyPublisher<String, Never> {
        private let textChangedSubject = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()
        func triggerUpdate() {
            let newStr = DateFormatter().string(from: Date())

    And a screen:

    import SwiftUI
    struct ContentView: View {
        private let vieModel = ViewModel()
        @State private var title = "Let's start"
        var body: some View {
            VStack {
                Button.init("Show cuurent date") {
                .onReceive(vieModel.textChangedPublisher) { newValue in
                    title = newValue