For each id count the number of qc=fails, generate a new column final with all values as "repeat" if any one id has 2 or more than 2 fails, else pass. Repeat if count is greater than equal to 2. For some reason the if-else statement does not work. Instead of the final being a repeat for count greater than equal to 2, it is displaying it as pass.dataset
%let repeat_flag = 0;
%let pass_flag = 0;
data _null_;
set exp;
if count ge 2 then call symputx ('repeat_flag',1);
else call symputx ('pass_flag',1);
%if &repeat_flag %then %do;
data exp;
set exp;
Final = 'REPEAT';
%if &pass_flag %then %do;
data exp;
set exp;
Final = 'PASS';
%put &repeat_flag; %put &pass_flag;
If you want to test if any observation has COUNT larger than one then use a pattern like this instead. Set the macro variable to the FALSE condition and then set it TRUE when the condition is met.
%let pass_flag=PASS;
data _null_;
set exp;
if count ge 2 then do;
call symputx ('pass_flag','REPEAT');
data want;
set exp;
length final $6;
final="&pass_flag" ;