Thank you all for the help before. I now had completed a task (so I thought) in order to achieve the following: I needed to write a one liner which outputs filenames that have more than 10 characters and also their contents consists out of more than 10 lines. My code is the following:
import os; [filename for filename in os.listdir(".") if len(filename) > 10 and len([line for line in open(filename)]) > 10 if filename =! filename.endswith(".ipynb_checkpoints")]
The problem that exists is the following error:
[Errno 13] Permission denied: '.ipynb_checkpoints'
I tried to exclude the .ipynb_checkpoint-files but it still doesn´t work properly. Do you have any suggestions on how to exclude them or solve my problem? Thank you for your time!
The issue might be the order of your if statements, String.ends
with returns a boolean and cannot be compared to the string, and __pycache__
files also cause errors so I added it.
Some of the characters in ipynb files cause UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode
errors and decoding in Latin-1
seemed to fix that. (UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte X in position Y: character maps to <undefined>)
you could try something like:
import os; print([filename for filename in os.listdir(".") if not filename.endswith(".ipynb_checkpoints") and not filename.endswith("__pycache__") and len(filename) > 10 and len([line for line in open(filename, encoding="Latin-1")]) > 10])
this solution seems to work but maybe a more general solution makes more PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied