I have a command that adds all the current roles of a user to a Database (MongoDB).
The code:
def add_roles_to_db(self):
check = cursor.find_one({"_id": self.ctx.author.id})
if check is None:
cursor.insert_one({"_id": self.ctx.author.id, "roles": [str(r) for r in self.ctx.author.roles[1:]]})
cursor.update_one({"_id": self.ctx.author.id}, {"$set": {"roles": [str(r) for r in self.ctx.author.roles[1:]]}})
The code to get the roles:
def get_roles_from_db(self):
return cursor.find_one({"_id": self.ctx.author.id})["roles"]
When I get the roles from the DB I get a list, everything I've tried led to an error. Error: "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'id'"
if len(roles) != 0:
await author.add_roles(*roles)
I saw a other post where someone added roles via a list but that didn't work
await author.add_roles(*[discord.Object(role_id) for role_id in roles])