i´m trying to make a task in Gradle for my Android project ( using Kotlin DSL ) where I need to do an automatic pull for my "develop" branch.
This are the commnand I want to run :
git pull origin develop:develop
In the terminal this works just fine.
I`m using "commandLine" with "exec" in my gradle file and I´m having this error message:
tasks.register<ReleaseTask>("makePull") {
exec { commandLine("git", "pull", "origin develop:develop") }
error message:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname origin develop: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
I don´t have any issue if I try this commands in the terminal, do you know what i´m doing wrong ?
You haven't separated the origin
and the develop:develop
arguments in the gradle version. Use this instead:
commandLine("git", "pull", "origin", "develop:develop")