I have a DiGraph object called G1, a graph network with edges. G1 is composed by a list of nodes and I want to give them coordinates stored in a python dictionary.
This is the list of nodes: LIST OF NODES
For every node I have built a python dictionary with node's name as keys and a tuple of coordinates as values:
I want to add the attribute position (pos) to every node with those coordinates.
At the moment I have tried using this cycle:
But as a result only the last node appears to have coordinates, it seems like the data are being subscribed with this method:
The result should be a graph network plotted on a xy space with the right coordinates obtained with the code: PLOT THE GRAPH I am obtaining the following error:
KeyError: (78.44, 88.3)
I think it's mostly syntax errors here. Try this:
for node, pos in avg.items():
G1.nodes[node]['pos'] = pos
Then, when building your visual, build your list of positions beforehand like this and just use the pos=pos
convention when calling nx.draw()
pos = {node: G.nodes[node]['pos'] for node in G.nodes()}
**** EDIT: ****
There's a built-in way to do this that is much cleaner:
nx.set_node_attributes(G1, avg, 'pos')
Then, when drawing, use:
nx.draw(G1, pos=nx.get_nodes_attributes(G1, 'pos'))