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Why does nvmlDeviceGetTemperature only work in debug mode?

Using VS2022 the following code snippet works in debug mode but not in release mode:

nvmlDevice_t devH;
auto ret = nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex_v2(0, &devH);
if (ret != NVML_SUCCESS)  DPrint("ERROR!");

u32 tt{};
ret = nvmlDeviceGetTemperature(devH, NVML_TEMPERATURE_GPU, &tt);
if (ret != NVML_SUCCESS)  DPrint("%s\n\n", nvmlErrorString(ret));

DPrint("TEMP:  %u\n", tt);


In release mode I get NOT SUPPORTED but in debug mode it works fine, printing the temperature. I have checked all the properties especially the linker ones and I cannot find any significant differences that would explain it. DPrint is a simple utility to print to the output window.


  • Turns out the release build was loading a different version of nvml.dll. Fixed it and now it works!