I want to generate a unique 4-6 char long AlphaNumeric string to save in db with each record(user). The db field has a unique index, so trying to save a pre-existing string generates an error. Right now I am generating a random string and using try-catch, so when adding a new record if it throws an exception, I generate another random string and attempt to save again, and the code keep trying until it adds a record successfully. This whole solution not only looks heavy but also ugly, so I want to change it. I am interested in an elegant solution, so any help/guidance is welcome.
With the given information :
The PHP function uniqid is exactly what you need. Though it returns a 13 character long hexadecimal value.
** Edit **
Yes, uniqid
will return a seamingly sequential number, but we can get around this easily. Consider this code
class IDGenerator {
//const BIT_MASK = '01110011';
static public function generate() {
$id = uniqid();
$id = base_convert($id, 16, 2);
$id = str_pad($id, strlen($id) + (8 - (strlen($id) % 8)), '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$chunks = str_split($id, 8);
//$mask = (int) base_convert(IDGenerator::BIT_MASK, 2, 10);
$id = array();
foreach ($chunks as $key => $chunk) {
//$chunk = str_pad(base_convert(base_convert($chunk, 2, 10) ^ $mask, 10, 2), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
if ($key & 1) { // odd
array_unshift($id, $chunk);
} else { // even
array_push($id, $chunk);
return base_convert(implode($id), 2, 36);
echo IDGenerator::generate();
Which will give results like
Since there is nothing added or modified, except shuffling the bits around, there should not be any duplicated values and everything seems random. Voilà!
I update this piece of code since the time it was originally posted. You may find the revised version here