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Setting command parameter descriptions in

I am making a command in a bot to create a profile for a user. It is working fine, but I would like the description of the "name" parameter to say "What would you like to be called?". Here is the code I currently have:

import discord
from discord import app_commands
@tree.command(name="makeprofile", description="Make your own profile!", guild=discord.Object(id=000000000000))
async def make_profile(interaction, preferred_name: str, pronouns: str):
    db.insert({'id':, 'name': preferred_name, 'pronouns': pronouns})


  • From the documentation:


    Describes the given parameters by their name using the key of the keyword argument as the name.

    So in your case:

    @app_commands.describe(preferred_name = "What would you like to be called?")