Let the Kafka producer is configured with acks=all
and there are 5 broker replicas with min.insync.replica=2
I understand that if 3 brokers go offline, but 2 brokers are still up and healthy, then the producer will still get the message acknowledgement and will be able to continue sending the messages.
But what happens if all 5 brokers are up and healthy:
I am interesting in the throughput in the case when all broker replicas are healthy: will the throughput with min.insync.replica=2
will be higher then with min.insync.replica=5
(for acks=all
and 5 broker replicas)?
Producer will get the acknowledgement the moment data in written to min.insync.replicas
that is 2 in this case. It will not wait for all brokers to get the message.
And yes, the throughput will definitely be higher when min.insync.replica=2
That is the tradeoff kafka is trying to give the user. If throughput is critical for you, keep min.insync.replica
lower, but if reliability is more critical to you keep min.insync.replica