I have a lot of character varying records in this format: {'address': 'New Mexico'}
I would like to update all those columns to have it like this: New Mexico
I've been investigating how to do it, and it could be with regexp, but I don't know how to make for all columns in a table, and I never used regex in PostgreSQL before.
I have an idea that is something like this:
SET location = regexp_replace(field, 'match pattern', 'replace string', 'g')
Valid JSON literals require double-quotes where your sample displays single quotes. Maybe you can fix that upstream?
To repair (assuming there are no other, unrelated single-quotes involved):
UPDATE web_scraping.iws_informacion_web_scraping
SET iws_localizacion = replace(iws_localizacion, '''', '"')::json ->> 'address'
WHERE iws_id = 3678
AND iws_localizacion IS DISTINCT FROM replace(iws_localizacion, '''', '"')::json ->> 'address';
The 2nd WHERE
clause prevents updates to rows that wouldn't change. See:
Optional if such cases can be excluded.