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How to get a Repository from an Entity?

I have an Entity called Game with a related Repository called GameRepository:

 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="...\GameRepository")
 * @ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks()
class Game {
     * @ORM\prePersist
    public function setSlugValue() {
        $this->slug = $repo->createUniqueSlugForGame();

In the prePersist method, I need to ensure that the Game's slug field is unique, which requires a database query. To do the query, I need access to the EntityManager. I can get the EntityManager from inside GameRepository. So: how do I get the GameRespository from a Game?


  • You don't. Entities in Doctrine 2 are supposed to not know of the entity manager or the repository.

    A typical solution to the case you present would be to add a method to the repository (or a service class) which is used to create (or called to store) new instances, and also produces a unique slug value.