scope :under_2500_value, -> { where(current_value: 0..2499) }
scope :under_5000_value, -> { where(current_value: 2500..4999) }
def current_value
value * available.count / 100
available is another table that has a relationship with the user table as below.
has_many :users_availables
has_many :availables, through: :users_availables
In the rails console if I try
, it returns an error as below:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column users.current_value does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE (users.curr...
Please help me find where I am going wrong
Made some edits in the question, didn’t understand the code correctly
Answer 1
scope :under_2500_value, -> { joins(:availables) { where('(value * availables.count / 100) in (?)', 0..2499) } }`
The above query returns 7500 but it should have been between under 2500.
Because current_value
is an instance method, meaning it can only be called like in an instance of the User model (like User.last.current_value
), but in your scope you're using it as if it were a column in the users table.
You could try calculating the value right in the query and use the IN operator with the range values;
scope :under_2500_value, -> { where('(value * available / 100) in (?)', 0..2499) }
scope :under_5000_value, -> { where('(value * available / 100) in (?)', 2500..4999) }
See the similarity between both scopes? You could make a single one;
scope :under_value, ->(value) { where('(value * available / 100) in (?)', value) }
# To be used as
# User.under_value(0..2499)
Notice that if you're using Postgres you could make the value * available / 100
calculation a generated column (see, it might translate to other RDBMS).