Is there any way of removing the padding from a rectangle in plantuml?
I have tried the following:
rectangle "rect1" as A1 #line:transparent;back:transparent
rectangle "rect2" as A2 #line:transparent;back:transparent
A1 -- A2
in my final diagram I will replace the text with an image, so maybe there is a better for images in the first place?
I've tried
rectangle "rect1" as A1 #line:transparent;back:transparent;padding:0
and tried skinParams too, but couldn't get it to work in any way
Padding settings are a work in progress as far as I can tell. See the discussion in the forum here. There's official documentation that says padding can be styled, but it doesn't seem to work properly for class diagrams. This is a question for the forum of PlantUML.
That said, here's a result you might find useful:
@startuml images
classdiagram {
linecolor red
class {
padding 0 <-- doesn't work
linecolor green
BackgroundColor yellow
skinparam style strictuml
skinparam padding 0
hide empty members
class "<img:{scale=0.5}>" as c1
class "<img:{scale=0.5}>" as c2
c1 - c2
I purposefully left the background color and line color so you can see the padding. Just set them to transparent for best results.
Perhaps you can try using other elements in PlantUML (rectangle, component, package, etc.) to see if a setting of padding 0
is respected.