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Infinite looping Issue Python. Can't quit game

I made a code for Blackjack in Python and whenever I run blackjack_game(deck) saying no to the 'Play Again' input should quit the game but it doesn't. Funds going zero and below should also trigger the game to quit but it doesn't.

This is what it looks like:

import random
import os

# The Card class definition
class Card:
    def __init__(self, suit, value, card_value):
        # Suit of the Card like Spades and Clubs
        self.suit = suit
        # Representing Value of the Card like A for Ace, K for King
        self.value = value
        # Score Value for the Card like 10 for King
        self.card_value = card_value

# Clear the terminal
def clear():

# Print player stats
def print_stats(player_name, funds, wins, losses, ties, blackjacks, busts):
    print('Player: ', player_name)
    print('Funds: $', funds)
    print(f'Wins: {wins} Losses: {losses} Ties: {ties} Blackjacks: {blackjacks} Busts: {busts}')

# Function to print the cards
def print_cards(cards, hidden):
    s = ""
    for card in cards:
        s = s + "\t ________________"
    if hidden:
        s += "\t ________________"
    s = ""
    for card in cards:
        s = s + "\t|                |"
    if hidden:
        s += "\t|                |"    
    s = ""
    for card in cards:
        if card.value == '10':
            s = s + "\t|  {}            |".format(card.value)
            s = s + "\t|  {}             |".format(card.value)  
    if hidden:
        s += "\t|                |"    
    s = ""
    for card in cards:
        s = s + "\t|                |"
    if hidden:
        s += "\t|      * *       |"
    s = ""
    for card in cards:
        s = s + "\t|                |"
    if hidden:
        s += "\t|    *     *     |"
    s = ""
    for card in cards:
        s = s + "\t|                |"
    if hidden:
        s += "\t|   *       *    |"
    s = ""
    for card in cards:
        s = s + "\t|                |"
    if hidden:
        s += "\t|   *       *    |"
    s = ""
    for card in cards:
        s = s + "\t|       {}        |".format(card.suit)
    if hidden:
        s += "\t|          *     |"
    s = ""
    for card in cards:
        s = s + "\t|                |"
    if hidden:
        s += "\t|         *      |"
    s = ""
    for card in cards:
        s = s + "\t|                |"
    if hidden:
        s += "\t|        *       |"
    s = ""
    for card in cards:
        s = s + "\t|                |"
    if hidden:
        s += "\t|                |"
    s = ""
    for card in cards:
        s = s + "\t|                |"
    if hidden:
        s += "\t|                |"
    s = ""
    for card in cards:
        if card.value == '10':
            s = s + "\t|            {}  |".format(card.value)
            s = s + "\t|            {}   |".format(card.value)
    if hidden:
        s += "\t|        *       |"        
    s = ""
    for card in cards:
        s = s + "\t|________________|"
    if hidden:
        s += "\t|________________|"
# Function for a game of blackjack
def blackjack_game(deck):
    end_game = False
    play_again = 'Y'

    # Player name
    player_name = str(input('Enter player name: '))

    # Intro
    print('Lets have a fun game of Blackjack, ', player_name)
    # Cards for both dealer and player
    player_cards = []
    dealer_cards = []
    # Scores for both dealer and player
    player_score = 0
    dealer_score = 0

    # Player stats
    funds = 100
    wins = 0
    losses = 0
    ties = 0
    blackjacks = 0
    busts = 0

    bet = 0


    # Current Stats Display
    print_stats(player_name, funds, wins, losses, ties, blackjacks, busts)

    # Bets
    while play_again == 'Y':
     while end_game == False:
      while funds > 0:
       while bet == 0:
        bet = int(input('Enter bet amount: '))

        if bet > funds:
         print('Insufficient funds')
         bet = 0
       # Initial dealing for player and dealer
       while len(player_cards) < 2:
        # Randomly dealing a card
        player_card = random.choice(deck)
        # Updating the player score
        player_score += player_card.card_value
        # In case both the cards are Ace, make the first ace value as 1 
        if len(player_cards) == 2:
            if player_cards[0].card_value == 11 and player_cards[1].card_value == 11:
                player_cards[0].card_value = 1
                player_score -= 10
        # Print player cards and score      
        print("PLAYER CARDS: ")
        print_cards(player_cards, False)
        print("PLAYER SCORE = ", player_score)
        # Randomly dealing a card
        dealer_card = random.choice(deck)
        # Updating the dealer score
        dealer_score += dealer_card.card_value
        # Print dealer cards and score, keeping in mind to hide the second card and score
        print("DEALER CARDS: ")
        if len(dealer_cards) == 1:
            print_cards(dealer_cards, False)
            print("DEALER SCORE = ", dealer_score)
            print_cards(dealer_cards[:-1], True)    
            print("DEALER SCORE = ", dealer_score - dealer_cards[-1].card_value)
        # In case both the cards are Ace, make the second ace value as 1 
        if len(dealer_cards) == 2:
            if dealer_cards[0].card_value == 11 and dealer_cards[1].card_value == 11:
                dealer_cards[1].card_value = 1
                dealer_score -= 10

       # Print dealer and player cards
       print("DEALER CARDS: ")
       print_cards(dealer_cards[:-1], True)
       print("DEALER SCORE = ", dealer_score - dealer_cards[-1].card_value)
       print("PLAYER CARDS: ")
       print_cards(player_cards, False)
       print("PLAYER SCORE = ", player_score)
       # Managing the player moves
       while player_score < 21:
        choice = input("Enter H to Hit or S to Stand : ")
        # Sanity checks for player's choice
        if len(choice) != 1 or (choice.upper() != 'H' and choice.upper() != 'S'):
            print("Wrong choice!! Try Again")
        # If player decides to HIT
        if choice.upper() == 'H':
            # Dealing a new card
            player_card = random.choice(deck)
            # Updating player score
            player_score += player_card.card_value
            # Updating player score in case player's card have ace in them
            c = 0
            while player_score > 21 and c < len(player_cards):
                if player_cards[c].card_value == 11:
                    player_cards[c].card_value = 1
                    player_score -= 10
                    c += 1
                    c += 1 
            # Print player and dealer cards
            print("DEALER CARDS: ")
            print_cards(dealer_cards[:-1], True)
            print("DEALER SCORE = ", dealer_score - dealer_cards[-1].card_value)
            print("PLAYER CARDS: ")
            print_cards(player_cards, False)
            print("PLAYER SCORE = ", player_score)
        # If player decides to Stand
        if choice.upper() == 'S':
       # Print player and dealer cards
       print("PLAYER CARDS: ")
       print_cards(player_cards, False)
       print("PLAYER SCORE = ", player_score)
       print("DEALER CARDS: ")
       print_cards(dealer_cards, False)
       print("DEALER SCORE = ", dealer_score)
       # Check if player has a Blackjack
       if player_score == 21:
        print("PLAYER HAS A BLACKJACK")
        blackjacks += 1
       # Check if player busts
       if player_score > 21:
        print("PLAYER BUSTED!!!")
        busts += 1
        print("DEALER WINS!!!")
        losses += 1
        funds -= bet
        bet = 0
        print_stats(player_name, funds, wins, losses, ties, blackjacks, busts)
        end_choice = input('Play again(Y/N)?: ')
        play_again = end_choice.upper()
        player_cards = []
        dealer_cards = []
        player_score = 0
        dealer_score = 0
        end_game = True
       # Managing the dealer moves
       while dealer_score < 17:
        print("DEALER DECIDES TO HIT.....")
        # Dealing card for dealer
        dealer_card = random.choice(deck)
        # Updating the dealer's score
        dealer_score += dealer_card.card_value
        # Updating player score in case player's card have ace in them
        c = 0
        while dealer_score > 21 and c < len(dealer_cards):
            if dealer_cards[c].card_value == 11:
                dealer_cards[c].card_value = 1
                dealer_score -= 10
                c += 1
                c += 1
        # print player and dealer cards
        print("PLAYER CARDS: ")
        print_cards(player_cards, False)
        print("PLAYER SCORE = ", player_score)
        print("DEALER CARDS: ")
        print_cards(dealer_cards, False)
        print("DEALER SCORE = ", dealer_score)      
       # TIE Game
       if dealer_score == player_score:
        print("TIE GAME!!!!")
        ties += 1
        bet = 0
        print_stats(player_name, funds, wins, losses, ties, blackjacks, busts)
        end_choice = input('Play again(Y/N)?: ')
        play_again = end_choice.upper()
        player_cards = []
        dealer_cards = []
        player_score = 0
        dealer_score = 0
        end_game = True
       # Dealer busts
       elif dealer_score > 21:        
        print("DEALER BUSTED!!! YOU WIN!!!") 
        wins += 1
        funds += bet
        bet = 0
        print_stats(player_name, funds, wins, losses, ties, blackjacks, busts)
        end_choice = input('Play again(Y/N)?: ')
        play_again = end_choice.upper()
        player_cards = []
        dealer_cards = []
        player_score = 0
        dealer_score = 0
        end_game = True
       # Dealer gets a blackjack
       elif dealer_score == 21:
        losses += 1
        funds -= bet
        bet = 0
        print_stats(player_name, funds, wins, losses, ties, blackjacks, busts)
        end_choice = input('Play again(Y/N)?: ')
        play_again = end_choice.upper()
        player_cards = []
        dealer_cards = []
        player_score = 0
        dealer_score = 0
        end_game = True
       # Player Wins
       elif player_score < 21 and player_score > dealer_score:
        print("PLAYER WINS!!!")
        wins += 1
        funds += bet
        bet = 0
        print_stats(player_name, funds, wins, losses, ties, blackjacks, busts)
        end_choice = input('Play again(Y/N)?: ')
        play_again = end_choice.upper()
        player_cards = []
        dealer_cards = []
        player_score = 0
        dealer_score = 0
        end_game = True                 
       # Dealer Wins
        print("DEALER WINS!!!")
        losses += 1
        funds -= bet
        bet = 0
        print_stats(player_name, funds, wins, losses, ties, blackjacks, busts)
        end_choice = input('Play again(Y/N)?: ')
        play_again = end_choice.upper()
        player_cards = []
        dealer_cards = []
        player_score = 0
        dealer_score = 0
        end_game = True               

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # The type of suit
    suits = ["Spades", "Hearts", "Clubs", "Diamonds"]
    # The suit value 
    suits_values = {"Spades":"\u2664", "Hearts":"\u2661", "Clubs": "\u2667", "Diamonds": "\u2662"}
    # The type of card
    cards = ["A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"]
    # The card value
    cards_values = {"A": 11, "2":2, "3":3, "4":4, "5":5, "6":6, "7":7, "8":8, "9":9, "10":10, "J":10, "Q":10, "K":10}
    # The deck of cards
    deck = []
    # Loop for every type of suit
    for suit in suits:
        # Loop for every type of card in a suit
        for card in cards:
            # Adding card to the deck
            deck.append(Card(suits_values[suit], card, cards_values[card]))

I added a quit() that should trigger should 'while play_again == 'Y':' no longer be true. This should have quit the game and stopped it from running. Instead it prompts the user again for a betting amount, acting as if I chose 'Y' instead.

I also tried removing:

play_again = 'Y'

and replacing this code block:

end_choice = input('Play again(Y/N)?: ')
play_again = end_choice.upper()

with this:

end_choice = input('Play again(Y/N)?: ')
if end_choice.upper() == 'N':

But it still wouldn't quit and stayed as an infinite loop. Help me please, I've been stuck with this issue all day.


  • Can you please try by replacing from this:

        # Bets
        while play_again == 'Y':
            while end_game == False:
                while funds > 0:
                    while bet == 0:
                        bet = int(input('Enter bet amount: '))
                        if bet > funds:
                            print('Insufficient funds')
                            bet = 0


        # Bets
        while play_again == 'Y':
            while end_game == False:
                if play_again != 'Y':
                while funds > 0:
                    if play_again != 'Y' or end_game:
                    while bet == 0:
                        bet = int(input('Enter bet amount: '))
                        if bet > funds:
                            print('Insufficient funds')
                            bet = 0

    I believe we don't even need to add end_game as it is unnecessary in current scope.

    These are nested while loop and parent while loop will not break until child breaks. so we need to add extra condition in child while loop which break it on the basis of parent check.

    you can read this post 5 Ways To Break Out of Nested Loops in Python