I am using Senddrid C# library provided by SendGrid to send messages. I have dynamic template. On user click it sends emails with dynamic fields.
So problem is what by some means I cannot use fictional email for that I must use real/activated email. Just in case inputs are valid or got from appseting.js and are also valid. Its problem with "SetFrom" method. No problems with template id or app_key
! Real email - I mean email what I could log-in and send messages for example
! Fake email - to use as stub. for example no-reply@gmail.com
private async Task mySendEmail(string toAddress, string templateId, JObject dynamicTemplateData, string? toWhome = null, string? setFromEmail = null, string? setFromName = null)
if (setFromEmail is null)
setFromEmail = sendGridConfig.SendGridApiFrom;
if (setFromName is null)
setFromName = sendGridConfig.SendGridApiFromDisplayName;
// var foo = sendGridConfig.SendGridApiKey;
var client = new SendGridClient(sendGridConfig.SendGridApiKey);
var msg = new SendGridMessage();
msg.AddTo(new EmailAddress(toAddress, toWhome));
//msg.SetFrom("my-real-email@gmail.com", setFromName); // if using real email it works
msg.SetFrom(new EmailAddress("test@example.com", "Example User 0")); // fictional email have bad requests
var response = await client.SendEmailAsync(msg); // Bad request
The output of the result
{"from":{"name":"Example User 0","email":"test@example.com"},"personalizations":[{"to":[{"name":"Stone Ocean","email":"count_zero@inbox.lv"}],"dynamic_template_data":{"url":"CUCUMBER@INBOX.LV","password":"TEREMOK"}}],"template_id":"d-2f393a3c5ca7451ea856fc1acadf0bd7"}
{"errors":[{"message":"The from address does not match a verified Sender Identity. Mail cannot be sent until this error is resolved. Visit https://sendgrid.com/docs/for-developers/sending-email/sender-identity/ to see the Sender Identity requirements","field":"from","help":null}]}
Connection: keep-alive
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://sendgrid.api-docs.io
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type, On-behalf-of, x-sg-elas-acl
Access-Control-Max-Age: 600
X-No-CORS-Reason: https://sendgrid.com/docs/Classroom/Basics/API/cors.html
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=600; includeSubDomains
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2022 07:37:40 GMT
Server: nginx
Any ideas why SetFrom need real email not fictional and how to avoid it?
According SendGrid the sender email(email what is sent FROM) must be verified by SendGrid to send email from it. Otherwise request throws error. Why this click