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importing specific symbols common lisp

I often use package symbols like this:

(ql:quickload :cl-json)

(cl-json:encode-json-to-string .... )

I would like to use it like this without the cl-json part:

(defpackage custom-sender
  ;; import the exactly the symbols I need from a package
  (:import-from :cl-json :encode-json-to-string)
  (:use :cl))

(encode-json-to-string .....)

As you can see, I tried to use the import-from to get this single symbol.

However, I still get the error that encode-json-to-string is undefined.


  • DEFPACKAGE defines a package. It does not set any scope itself.

    If you want to set the package scope, then using IN-PACKAGE is a way. You have imported the symbol into a specific package, then you need to make that package current to see the effects.

    Just loading something may not set a specific package you would expect.


    An ASDF system might define zero or more packages. system and packages are two different and orthogonal concepts in Common Lisp.

    An ASDF (a popular build tool) system is a tool specific name for a library / some piece of software. This can be compiled, loaded, etc.

    A Common Lisp package is a namespace for symbols. It's a standard feature of the language. packages know nothing about systems.

    In some programming language (say, Java) a class might be defined in one file and also be a namespace. In Common Lisp are files, namespaces, modules/systems, ... all independent concepts. It's entirely possible to define a library incl. its n packages in one file. Usually people will organize their software into a bunch of files, one or more packages and one or more systems. systems then are the granularity of a collection of files, which together can be compiled/loaded.