My objective is to build Rest API on Flask. When i send post JSON request to the server from Postman application, I get "The CSRF token is missing" Error.
Respective route is here:
@api.route('/posts/add/post', methods=['POST'])
def add_post():
subject = request.json['subject']
body = request.json['body']
myPost = Post(subject=subject, body=body, category_id=1)
return post_schema.jsonify(myPost).data
I have looked at different examples and nobody mentions about CSRF for such requests, as usually its used for WTF s. Can you please advice, what am i doing wrong and fow to fix it?
Based on this extract from the docs, is it possible you are protecting your app like this?
from flask_wtf.csrf import CSRFProtect
csrf = CSRFProtect(app)
Usually, you only need this for basic flask apps (docs):
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)