I collect Free disk space metrics at regular intervals and would like to predict when the disk will be full.
I thought I could use series_decompose_forecast
Here's a sample query:
let DiskSpace =
range Timestamp from ago(60d) to now() step 1d
| order by Timestamp desc
| serialize rn=row_number() + 10
| extend FreeSpace = case
rn % 5 == 0, rn + 5
, rn % 3 == 0, rn -4
, rn % 7 == 0, rn +3
, rn
| project Timestamp, FreeSpace;
| make-series
FreeSpace = max(FreeSpace) default= long(null)
on Timestamp from ago(60d) to now() step 12h
| extend FreeSpace = series_fill_backward(FreeSpace)
| extend series_decompose_forecast(FreeSpace, 24)
| render timechart
And the result
The baseline seems like it could show me when it will hit zero (or some other threshold), but if I specify more Points
, it excludes more points from the learning process (still unsure if it excludes them from the start or end).
I don't even care for the whole time series, just the date of running out of free space. Is this the correct approach?
It seems that series_fit_line() is more than enough in this scenario. Once you got the slope and the interception you can calculate any point on the line.
range Timestamp from now() to ago(60d) step -1d
| extend rn = row_number() + 10
| extend FreeSpace = rn + case(rn % 5 == 0, 5, rn % 3 == 0, -4, rn % 7 == 0, 3, 0)
| make-series FreeSpace = max(FreeSpace) default= long(null) on Timestamp from ago(60d) to now() step 12h
| extend FreeSpace = series_fill_forward(series_fill_backward(FreeSpace))
| extend (rsquare, slope, variance, rvariance, interception, line_fit) = series_fit_line(FreeSpace)
| project slope, interception, Timestamp, FreeSpace, line_fit
| extend x_intercept = todatetime(Timestamp[0]) - 12h*(1 + interception / slope)
| project-reorder x_intercept
| render timechart with (xcolumn=Timestamp, ycolumns=FreeSpace,line_fit)
x_intercept |
2022-12-06T01:56:54.0389796Z |