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Error: The argument type 'void Function(MidiDevice)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'FutureOr<dynamic> Function(List<MidiDevice>?)'

I am new to Flutter and I am trying to get familiar with the flutter_midi_command package. I have an ElevatedButton and I want to print the list of available MIDI devices on click.

  onPressed: () => MidiCommand().devices.then((MidiDevice midiDevice) => print(midiDevice)),
  child: const Text('Show available MIDI devices'),

But in the .then part, I am getting the following error as soon as I define the type of the returned value from the callback:

The argument type 'void Function(MidiDevice)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'FutureOr<dynamic> Function(List<MidiDevice>?)'.

And but when I remove the type (MidiDevice), the error is removed. I believe I am missing a core concept from Dart/Flutter. My question is, how I am able to simply make this callback function to work when I have the type of the returned value defined?


  • I managed to solve my question. The type of the returned value is not MidiDevice, its List<MidiDevice>?.

    The following is the correct implementation:

      onPressed: () => MidiCommand().devices.then((List<MidiDevice>? midiDevice) => print(midiDevice)),
      child: const Text('Show available MIDI devices'),