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Save LightGbm model in R and load it in C#

I would like to:

  1. train my model in R
  2. Save the model in a file
  3. Load the model in C# and use it to predict

The problem is that the file format in R (json) is not the same as in C# (zip)


  • The problem is that the file format in R (json)

    {lightgbm}, the official R package for LightGBM, supports other options besides JSON.

    Use the following code in {lightgbm} >= 3.3.3 to train a model and save it to the official LightGBM text model representation.

    stockDF <-
    # create a Dataset
    feature_names <- c("SMI", "CAC", "FTSE")
    target_name <- "DAX"
    X_train <- data.matrix(stockDF[, feature_names])
    y_train <- stockDF[[target_name]]
    dtrain <- lightgbm::lgb.Dataset(
        data = X_train
        , label = y_train
        , colnames = feature_names
    # train
    model <- lightgbm::lgb.train(
        obj = "regression"
        , data = dtrain
        , verbose= 1
        , nrounds = 10
    # save to a text file
        booster = model
        , filename = "regression-model.txt"

    That text file can be read by public entrypoint LGBM_BoosterCreateFromModelfile() in LightGBM's C API (code link), and therefore by any C# bindings that call that entrypoint.

    For example, see Booster.CreateFromModelfile() in LightGBMSharp, a C# interface to LightGBM (code link).