below a simple example using the Python interpreter:
>>> import datetime
>>> time=datetime.timedelta(seconds=10)
>>> str(time)
how can I change the syntaxt of the time object when I convert it in a string? As reslt, I want to see '00:00:10' and not '0:00:10'. I really don't understand why the last zero in the hours block is missing, I want to see always two digits in each block. how can I do it?
You have to create your custom formatter to do this.
Python3 variant of @gumption solution which is written in python2. This is the link to his solution
Custom Formatter
from string import Template
class TimeDeltaTemp(Template):
delimiter = "%"
def strfdtime(dtime, formats):
day = {"D": dtime.days}
hours, rem = divmod(dtime.seconds, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(rem, 60)
day["H"] = '{:02d}'.format(hours)
day["M"] = '{:02d}'.format(minutes)
day["S"] = '{:02d}'.format(seconds)
time = TimeDeltaTemp(formats.upper())
return time.substitute(**day)
import datetime
print(strfdtime(time, '%H:%M:%S'))
print(strfdtime(time, '%h:%m:%s'))