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How can I iterate through a list that goes out of range in a for loop?

I have a for loop that iterates through a list. However, at the end of the loop, the list goes out of range.

for i in range(0, 4):
x = case1[row + i][col:]
y = longest_chain(x)
print(case1[row + i -1][col:]

when checking row + i - 1, list index runs out of range. How can i ensure it doesn't by stopping when the list ends?


  • I don't know exactly what you want as an output, but based on your question here is how you would access the first and third element of every string, without a nested list:

    cards = ['King of Hearts', '4 of Clubs', '8 of Clubs', 'Queen of Clubs', '9 of Diamonds']
    for card in cards:
        string_list = card.split(' ')
        rank = string_list[0] # 1st word
        suit = string_list[2] # 3rd word
        print(f'rank: {rank} | suit:{suit}')


    rank: King | suit:Hearts
    rank: 4 | suit:Clubs    
    rank: 8 | suit:Clubs    
    rank: Queen | suit:Clubs
    rank: 9 | suit:Diamonds 