I am trying to sort an array by using functions that finds the smallest number in an array, and the other swaps two variables. But for some reason the array doesn't change and stays the same. I thing I have a problem with the stack but I can't find it.
This is my code: sorry its long and not organized. I just started assembly. `
org 100h
jmp start
array db 1,9,3,6,3 **;should get 1,2,3,6,9**
min_in_array dw ?
lea si, array
push 5
push si
call sortArray
pop bx
pop bx
mov ah, 0
int 16h
;doesn't work
PROC sortArray
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov dx, 0 ;the index
mov cx, [bp+6];size
mov di, [bp+4];array
add di, dx
push di
call findMin
pop di
sub di, dx
add di, min_in_array
push dx
push di
call swap
pop di
pop dx
sub di, min_in_array
inc dx
mov ax, [di]
loop loop_arr
mov sp, bp
pop bp
ENDP sortArray
PROC findMin
push bp
mov bp, sp
sub sp, 4
mov cx, 0 ;init the counter
mov di, [bp+4]
mov al, [bp-2] ;initialising the min save var
mov al, [di]
mov bx, [bp-4] ;the index to save
mov bx, 0
cmp al, [di]
ja change_min
cmp cx, 4 ;check if cx is lower than the size of the array
inc cx ;+1
inc di ;move forward in the array
jb run ;check again
jmp fin ;finished - cx = size
mov al, [di] ;change the min
mov bx, cx ;assign the index
inc di
cmp cx, 4
je fin
inc cx
jmp run
mov sp, bp
pop bp
mov cx, 0
mov min_in_array, bx
ENDP findMin
;function works
PROC swap
;creates fram
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,2 ;make space for local temp
mov bx, [bp+6]
mov cx, [bp+4]
;swaping using the temp varaiable
mov [bp-2], bx
mov bx, cx
mov cx, [bp-2]
;close frame
mov sp, bp
pop bp
ENDP swap
I have a problem with the stack but I can't find it.
Your use of the stack is actually fine: prologue, epilogue, cleaning.
But there's one additional thing that the stack is good at, and that's preserving register values. Your sortArray procedure depends on the CX register, but you destroy its value in the findMin and swap procedures!
You say findMin works, but I assure you it doesn't. Other than not preserving CX and containing a lot of unused code, findMin always processes 5 elements eventhough the supplied address moved up with each invokation, meaning you are processing garbage that follows the original array in memory. Moreover the result that you store in the min_in_array variable is an offset in the unsorted partition of the array, but after returning, sortArray will use this same value as an offset in the original array. Can't work that way...
You say swap works, but I assure you it doesn't. What you supply to this procedure is an offset in the original array and an (wrongly calculated) address within the original array. You fetch these arguments from the stack and only swap these in registers, nothing more. You never read/write in the array, so there's no swapping taking place.
See if next code points you in the right direction:
add di, dx
push cx ; Number of elements in the unsorted partition
push di ; Address of the start of the unsorted partition
call findMin ; -> AX (BL CX SI)
pop di
pop cx
push ax ; Address of the Min from the unsorted partition
push di ; Address of the start of the unsorted partition
call swap
; IN () OUT (ax) MOD (bl,cx,si)
PROC findMin
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov cx, [bp + 6]
mov si, [bp + 4]
mov bl, [si]
mov ax, si
dec cx
jz done
inc si
cmp bl, [si]
jb run
jmp min ; Go change min
pop bp
ENDP findMin