I am trying to read parquet into dataframe with AWS wrangler, while writing this data to DynamoDB its erroring out with unsupported type error - Unsupported type numpy.ndarray for value.......
wr.s3.read_parquet(path=s3_path, dataset=dataset, chunked=True)
and writing like
wr.dynamodb.put_df(df=df, table_name=table_name)
Is there a way, I can convert the ndarray type to dynamoDB list ? I dont want to lose the readability of the array if I use np.tobytes() to write and np.frombuffer() to read again. Also, users will not have access Numpy to read the data from DynamoDB
Finally able to get the answer, so it worked like this for me using tolist()-
df["key"] = df["key"].apply(lambda x: x.tolist())
wr.dynamodb.put_df(df, "test_table")