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How to display all columns of the datatype DATE when one column is actually a date and others are just time?

I am learning SQL and using Oracle SQL Developer. I have a table that contains the following columns

  1. FlightDate
  2. DepartureTime
  3. ArrivalTime

I have inserted values using either

TO_DATE('10:45', 'hh24:mi')


TO_DATE('20/10/2000', 'DD/MM/YYYY')

When I do a SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME, the DepartureTime and ArrivalTime display a date (which I have not entered). How do I display the date in the first column and time in the other 2 columns?

I have tried `

SELECT to_char(DepartureTime, 'HH24:MI' ) AS Departure
        to_char( ArrivalTime, 'HH24:MI' ) AS Arrival

` Although the above statement displays the right values, I want to write a statement to output all the columns (because the actual table has more than 3 columns), but in the format explained above - a date for FlightDate and time for DepartureTime and ArrivalTime.


  • In Oracle, a DATE is a binary data type that consists of 7 bytes representing century, year-of-century, month, day, hour, minute and second. It ALWAYS has all of those components and it is NEVER stored in any particular (human-readable) format.

    Therefore, if you have a DATE it will always be both a date and a time.

    If you only want to store the date component of a date then you will need to use the entire date but could add a constraint to ensure the time is always midnight.

    If you want to store a time without a date then you can either:

    1. Use a DATE data type and just set the time component (and ignore the default values of the date component); or
    2. Use an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND data type.

    For example, your table could be:

    CREATE TABLE table_name (
      FlightDate    DATE
                    CONSTRAINT table_name__flightdate__chk CHECK (flightdate = TRUNC(flightdate)),
      DepartureTime INTERVAL DAY(0) TO SECOND(0) NOT NULL,
      ArrivalTime   INTERVAL DAY(1) TO SECOND(0) NOT NULL

    Or, you could simplify your table to:

    CREATE TABLE table_name (
      Departure DATE NOT NULL,
      Arrival   DATE NOT NULL

    and not worry about having separate dates and times.