I have some very specific questions about writing operating systems that I was hoping could get answered:
How much assembly code would I need to write to load a minimal C Kernel if I use GRUB as a boot loader?
My kernel will be written in C, It will load a command line shell that I wrote in C++, it does not make any API calls only standard library calls, will I need to rewrite the entire C++ Standard library to do so?
Can I write video, keyboard and floppy drivers in C++?
Do GCC and G++ output 16 bit real mode code?
Can I write this all using Mingw on Windows or will I have to write it on Linux?
Do I need to be in real mode in order to write directly to the video memory?
If anyone can answer my questions I will be very thankful
1: You should only need a small amount of assembly to handle the boot process and load the C code. Shouldn't be more than like 20-30 lines I think.
2-4: I haven't really used C++ with OS dev, but I think I remember reading that it takes more work to get it running somewhere. Sorry I can't be of more help.
5: You "can" do it using MinGW, but from my experience it mostly complicates things. I could never really get a Windows environment working, but I also gave up without too much effort.
EDIT: Here is a link to some example assembly. This is all I ever had to use: http://www.jamesmolloy.co.uk/tutorial_html/2.-Genesis.html
The rest of that site is a pretty good tutorial too if you are at all interested in that kind of thing.