I have a table with a column (registration_no varchar(9)). Here is a sample:
id registration no
1 42400065
2 483877668
3 019000702
4 837478848
5 464657588
6 19000702
7 042400065
Please take note of registration numbers like (042400065) and (42400065), they are almost the same, the difference is just the leading zero.
I want to select all registration numbers that have the same case as above and delete the ones without a leading zero i.e (42400065)
pls, also note that before i delete the ones without leading zeros (42400065), i need to be sure that there is an equivalent with leading zeros(042400065)
declare @T table
id int,
[registration no] varchar(9)
insert into @T values
(1, '42400065'),
(2, '483877668'),
(3, '019000702'),
(4, '837478848'),
(5, '464657588'),
(6, '19000702'),
(7, '042400065')
;with C as
select row_number() over(partition by cast([registration no] as int)
order by [registration no]) as rn
from @T
delete from C
where rn > 1