I have a set of data that has multiple groups across multiple time points (sample cut below):
I've been trying to conduct multiple cor.test between X and Y between each status, and across each gender.
I was having a hard time figuring out the group comparison so I filtered by status and split my gender cor.tests separately for Status = Red and Status = Blue (using filter).
This is my current code which runs cor.test across each gender:
red_status <- all %>% filter(status == "Red")
cor_red <- by(red_status, red_status$gender,
FUN = function(df) cor.test(df$X, df$Y, method = "spearman"))
The output result shows the 3 different cor.test across each gender:
red_status$gengrp: M
Spearman's rank correlation rho
data: df$X and df$Y
S = 123.45, p-value = 0.123
alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0
sample estimates:
red_status$gengrp: F
... (same output style as gengrp: M ^)
red_status$gengrp: O
... (same output style as gengrp: M ^)
What I'm trying to do is extract the estimate and p-values across all gender cor.test and place them in a dataframe.
I thought I can use the data.frame() function to extract the gender name and correlation elements, then just add another column for p-values, however doing this gave me an error:
# Where red_status[1] is gender names (M,F,O) and red_status[[3:4]] are the Spearman p-value and rho estimate *within each gender category*
data.frame(group = dimnames(red_status)[1], est = as.vector(red_status)[[3]],
pval = as.vector(red_status[[4]])
Error in as.data.frame.default(x[[i]], optional = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors) :
cannot coerce class ‘"htest"’ to a data.frame
Since I filtered by Status == Red, I'd have to rerun the codes again to get the result for the gender cor.test results of Status == Blue then at the end bind the estimates and p-values all to 1 df.
My goal is to be able to create a data frame that shows the correlation estimate and p-value across each status and gender:
Status Gender Estimate(rho) P-value
Red M 1.23 0.123
Red F 0.45 0.054
Red O ... ...
Blue M 0.004 0.123
Blue F ... ...
Blue O ... ...
Any help/tips would be appreciated.
Answer based off of @Ruam Pimentel's comment regarding the rstatix package.
Using piping + the cor_test() function, I can group by both status and gender to run the correlation test. The cor_test() function is designed to output a dataframe containing all elements of the correlation (i.e. statistic, p-value, estimate) all depending on the correlation method of choice.
This is the code that worked:
r <- dfall %>%
group_by(status, gender) %>%
cor_test(X, Y, method = "spearman")
Result (edited the numbers):
status gengrp var1 var2 cor statistic p method
<chr> <fct> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
1 Red M X Y 0.98 -0.123 0.123 Spearman
2 Red F X Y 0.12 0.456 0.456 Spearman
3 Red O X Y 0.34 0.944 0.789 Spearman
4 Blue M X Y 0.56 0.246 0.101 Spearman
5 Blue F X Y 0.78 0.4107 0.111 Spearman
6 Blue O X Y 0.9 0.123 0.122 Spearman