I know that I can download an audio track from YouTube through this easy command:
youtube-dl -f 251 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRIF4_WzU1w'
Lately YouTube has been slowing down the download speed.
Is there a way I can listen to the audio while downloading the track?
Where is the file located while it is downloading? On the RAM?
As far as I know when downloading a video while precising -f 251
it is being written while downloading in VIDEO_TITLE.webm.part
and at the end of the download this file is rename VIDEO_TITLE.webm
To listen to the audio of a video while downloading its track, just open in a web-browser the second URL returned by:
youtube-dl -g 'HRIF4_WzU1w'
If you are also interested in having the audio file at the end of your listening, use your command or use Ctrl + S in your web-browser.