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Azure function trigger Twice

Hello I have a problem about azure functions. I have a blob trigger function on azure. The problem is when i try to upload a file to container using by SFTP my function fires twice but if manually upload my file on azure its getting only one trigger. Note : Files comes as with the same name for each trigger not comes with the filepart. Is there any solution about that?. Sharing the logs below. Please help me to fix that issue.

Azure Monitoring log enter image description here

I tried to decrease file size to 1kb if the issue about file size but didn't work [FixedDelayRetry(0, "00:00:10")] tried add this attribute and didn't work.


  • Guys i got response from Azure support that issue related with microsoft and they tell fix it as soon as possible. The issue exactly appear when you use Eventgrid as source if you remove it then function only fires once but in this scenario latency increasing on your function. Anyway if you skip this issue till fixed you need to remove that. enter image description here

    Edit : Issue solved by Azure support.