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Way in azure pipelines to increment major minor or patch versions based on the source branch

I'm trying to use azure pipeline to build a tar.gz package on a linux build server.Iis there way in VSTS/Azure Pipeline code to increment default major:minor:patch based on source branch?


If source branch is Develop: major:minor(increment):patch If source branch is bugfix: major:minor:patch(increment) If source branch is main: major(increment):minor:patch

Please let me know your suggestions. Thank you

I'm trying to use azure pipeline to build a tar.gz package on a linux build server.Iis there way in VSTS/Azure Pipeline code to increment default major:minor:patch based on source branch?


If source branch is Develop: major:minor(increment):patch If source branch is bugfix: major:minor:patch(increment) If source branch is main: major(increment):minor:patch

Please let me know your suggestions. Thank you


  • Your requirement doesn't have a built in feature.

    There is a counter expression in DevOps pipeline, it can auto increase a variable for each pipeline run, but this feature will forcibly increased every time the pipeline is run, and cannot be increased or stopped arbitrarily.

    counter expression is for pipeline, and it has two parameters, prefix and seed. Seed is based on the prefix.

    When the prefix is been set and run for the first time, the counter result will start from the feed value. But for the later run based on the same prefix, the counter result will ignore the feed value, it will be 'last time counter result + 1'

    Since the counter expression has such limitation, I Write a more free design for you to manage the major, minor and patch.

    The below is the YAML definition of the pipeline.

    - none
      vmImage: ubuntu-latest
    parameters: #The default value of increase major, minor, patch are all false. If you change these to true, the major, minor, patch will auto_increase by default.
    - name: increase_major
      default: false
      type: boolean
        - true
        - false
    - name: increase_minor
      default: false
      type: boolean
        - true
        - false
    - name: increase_patch
      default: false
      type: boolean
        - true
        - false
    - name: Personal_Access_Token
      value: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" #Put your personal Access Token here.
    - ${{ if eq(parameters.increase_major,false)}}:
      - name: increase_major
        value: false
    - ${{ if eq(parameters.increase_major,true)}}:
      - name: increase_major
        value: true
    - ${{ if eq(parameters.increase_minor,false)}}:
      - name: increase_minor
        value: false
    - ${{ if eq(parameters.increase_minor,true)}}:
      - name: increase_minor
        value: true
    - ${{ if eq(parameters.increase_patch,false)}}:
      - name: increase_patch
        value: false
    - ${{ if eq(parameters.increase_patch,true)}}:
      - name: increase_patch
        value: true
    #Put your pipeline steps here.
    # The below code will help you auto increase the major, minor, patch.
    - task: PythonScript@0
      displayName: Change the Major, Minor, Patch.
        scriptSource: inline
        script: |
          import json
          import requests
          #This part is defnition of variables
          org_name = "BowmanCP"
          project_name = "BowmanCP"
          pipeline_definition_id = "376"
          personal_access_token = "$(Personal_Access_Token)"
          key = 'variables'
          increase_major_control = '$(increase_major)'
          increase_minor_control = '$(increase_minor)'
          increase_patch_control = '$(increase_patch)'
          major = "major"
          minor = "minor"
          patch = "patch"
          #This part is logic for auto increase major, minor, patch
          def get_value_of_specific_variable(json_content, key, var_name):
              data = json.loads(json_content)
              return data[key][var_name].get('value')
          def auto_increase(json_content, key, var_name):
              data = json.loads(json_content)
              data[key][var_name]['value'] = str(int(get_value_of_specific_variable(json_content,key,var_name)) + 1)
              return data
          def get_pipeline_definition(org_name, project_name, pipeline_definition_id, personal_access_token):
              url = ""+org_name+"/"+project_name+"/_apis/build/definitions/"+pipeline_definition_id+"?api-version=6.0"
              headers = {
              'Authorization': 'Basic '+personal_access_token
              response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
              json_content = response.text
              return json_content
          def update_pipeline_definition(org_name, project_name, pipeline_definition_id, json_content, key, var_name):
              json_data = auto_increase(json_content, key, var_name)
              url2 = ""+org_name+"/"+project_name+"/_apis/build/definitions/"+pipeline_definition_id+"?api-version=6.0"
              payload2 = json.dumps(json_data)
              headers2 = {
              'Authorization': 'Basic '+personal_access_token,
              'Content-Type': 'application/json'
              response2 = requests.request("PUT", url2, headers=headers2, data=payload2)
          #increase major
          if increase_major_control == 'true':
              json_data = update_pipeline_definition(org_name, project_name, pipeline_definition_id, get_pipeline_definition(org_name, project_name, pipeline_definition_id, personal_access_token), key, major)
          if increase_minor_control == 'true':
              json_data = update_pipeline_definition(org_name, project_name, pipeline_definition_id, get_pipeline_definition(org_name, project_name, pipeline_definition_id, personal_access_token), key, minor)
          if increase_patch_control == 'true':
              json_data = update_pipeline_definition(org_name, project_name, pipeline_definition_id, get_pipeline_definition(org_name, project_name, pipeline_definition_id, personal_access_token), key, patch)

    When you run it, just click the checkbox will determine whether increase the variable of major, minor and patcH:

    enter image description here

    The variables are in this place:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Design Ideas:

    Use Definitions - Get REST API to get the pipeline information.

    Use code to achieve auto increase.

    Use Definitions - Update REST API to change the pipeline definition(variables of the pipeline.).