I want to store the information of multiple inputs entered into antd Select components in a single state variable but am having trouble getting the below to work.
This example is solved here for a form but the same solution doesn't seem to work for antd Select component. There are two inputs: a first name and a last name that I want to remember. The below code doesn't work because e doesn't have an attribute called name is what the console tells me. I also tried e.target.name and e.target.value but I get an error that e doesn't have an attribute called a target either. What is the right way to do this?
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Select } from 'antd';
const App = () =>{
const [varState, setVarState] = useState({firstName:'Jack', lastName:'Smith'});
const firstNameOptions = [ {label:'Jack', value:'Jack'}, {label:'Jill',value:'Jill'}, {label:'Bill',value:'Bill'} ];
const lastNameOptions = [ {label:'Smith', value:'Smith'}, {label:'Potter',value:'Potter'}, {label:'Bach',value:'Bach'} ];
const changeState = (e) => {
setVarState( prevState => ({ ...prevState, [e.name]: e.value}));
return ( <>
<Select name={'firstName'} defaultValue={'Pick One'} options={firstNameOptions} onChange={changeState} />
<Select name={'lastName'} defaultValue={'Pick One'} options={lastNameOptions} onChange={changeState} />
export default App;
The Select component seems to be sending the value instead of the events object. So, You can just make a closure and pass the name of the select. Also, for consoling you can make use of a useEffect which only consoles when the state has been updated. Otherwise, you could see previous state as state updates are asynchronous. Below is a working solution.
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { Select } from "antd";
const App = () => {
const [varState, setVarState] = useState({
firstName: "Jack",
lastName: "Smith"
const firstNameOptions = [
{ label: "Jack", value: "Jack" },
{ label: "Jill", value: "Jill" },
{ label: "Bill", value: "Bill" }
const lastNameOptions = [
{ label: "Smith", value: "Smith" },
{ label: "Potter", value: "Potter" },
{ label: "Bach", value: "Bach" }
// for consoling when the state updates
useEffect(() => {
}, [varState.firstName, varState.lastName]);
const changeState = (value, identifier) => {
// console.log(value, identifier);
setVarState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, [identifier]: value }));
return (
defaultValue={"Pick One"}
onChange={(val) => changeState(val, "firstName")}
defaultValue={"Pick One"}
onChange={(val) => changeState(val, "lastName")}
export default App;