I'm using Angular for my frontend and Cloud functions + Firestore for my backend.
When I set
data in Firestore, I want to limit the users to a certain model of data. For example let's say that my "model" is:
interface Person {
name: string
age: number
Nothing prevents a malicious user to send an object like the following:
name: 'Anna',
age: 22,
unWantedData: 'Some unwanted data'
What is the best way to prevent that ? I've seen the Firestore converters but is it really the way to go ?
I also have another related question. I'm quite familiar working with SQL and ORM's using Entities, for example with TypeORM
export class Post {
id: number
@Length(10, 20)
title: string
rating: number
email: string
createDate: Date
Is there a way to have validators like that with Firestore ? Maybe using rules ?
You have the answer in the last line of your question: you can indeed use Firebase's server-side security rules to validate the data.
The security rules only apply to access from the client-side SDKs, not from connections over the Admin SDK (such as those from Cloud Functions that you mention). If writes happen through such a trusted environment, you will have to validate the data in your application code before passing it to Firebase.