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How can I mute warnings for unused parameters in method implementation

Using AppCode 108.1068, developing an iOS app with cocos2d, I often end up implementing methods for a selector, and it goes like this:

-(void) sequenceStateSelectSkillByCPU:(ccTime) dt{
    if (cycleCount_==1) {
        [self interruptScheduling];
        [self flyOut];
        [master_ taskComplete:@"skillsChoice"];


I keep getting the warning about unused variable (dt, i Know, i prefer having full control over my state handling rather than relying on dt). I am implementing a method that complies to a protocol that shoves dt on me, in all circumstances, whether i need it or not.

Was wondering where/how to mute that specific warning.


  • Turns out the inspection to check off is 'unused local variables' ... which unfortunately also stops the useful 'unused local variables'for variables declared inside the body of the method.