Using AppCode 108.1068, developing an iOS app with cocos2d, I often end up implementing methods for a selector, and it goes like this:
-(void) sequenceStateSelectSkillByCPU:(ccTime) dt{
if (cycleCount_==1) {
[self interruptScheduling];
[self flyOut];
[master_ taskComplete:@"skillsChoice"];
I keep getting the warning about unused variable (dt, i Know, i prefer having full control over my state handling rather than relying on dt). I am implementing a method that complies to a protocol that shoves dt on me, in all circumstances, whether i need it or not.
Was wondering where/how to mute that specific warning.
Turns out the inspection to check off is 'unused local variables' ... which unfortunately also stops the useful 'unused local variables'for variables declared inside the body of the method.